About Us

The Mendocino Coast Photographer Gallery was founded in 2007 by five Northern California fine art photographers. This collective rented a commercial space on Main St. in Fort Bragg, and began displaying and selling (mostly local) nature photography.
In the ensuing years, our personnel has changed, but we have remained a small local business offering “ready to hang” images of the beauty of Northern California and especially the coast.
Today, we are located at 357 N. Franklin St. in Fort Bragg and we still consist of 5 photographers: John Birchard, Ken Van Der Wende, Scott Chieffo, Jonathan Pazer, and Lisa Walker.

Photography today is primarily a digital medium and has advanced greatly since the era of film photography. Many people now carry a sophisticated camera (in their smart phone) with them most of the time. Capturing images of anything and everything is now easy.
Making an artistic discipline of photography, on the other hand, requires study, investment and the persistent pursuit of excellence in not only the capture of the image, but also in its presentation.
You can visit us in Fort Bragg from 10-5 Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and online at mcpgg.com. Our email address is manager@mcpgg.com.